
Apart from being the country’s capital city with modern structures and beautiful and calm environment, Abuja is famous for being the political capital of Nigeria. Integral to this power is the National Assembly Abuja Complex which can be described as a national icon given duty of providing legislative power of Nigeria. Sitting in the Three Arms Zone of Abuja, the National Assembly is an important symbol of democracy and governance in the country, thus it is great place for tourists and history lovers in the city.

National Assembly AbujaNational Assembly Abuja

National Assembly Abuja : A Glimpse into Nigerias Legislature

The National Assembly Complex is for siting of both the Senate and House of Representatives, the two Arms of the Federal Legislature of Nigeria, through which the Nigerian people’s policies, decisions, and laws are made. The layout and exterior/interior design of the building are majestic and also representational, being in proportion to the work done in the structure.

The Architecture and Layout

The National Assembly is a structural masterpiece with features implemented that shows the Art of contemporary Nigeria and the National emblem that is in the inner compound. This building is quite large and it is set off by a rather unique green dome, which makes it easily identifiable as the legislative venue in Nigeria. Around the dome is the Senate and House of Representatives chambers and offices, and conference rooms, all which are built to support the legislative process.

The Senate is referred to as the ‘Upper House’ and this is made up of 109 senators representing the 36 states of the federation, and the Federal Capital Territory. The House of Representatives, referred to as the ‘’Lower House’’ comprises of 360 members who are directly elected from constituencies within the country. Both these two chambers act to make sure that every citizen of Nigeria is respected and their opinions regarded in the running of the state.

Visiting the National Assembly

Visitors to the National Assembly in Abuja are likely to catch top government officials at work. As for visiting the chambers when sessions are in progress, this is prohibited; however, tourists have an opportunity to take guides and have a round of the complex, thus, learning more about Nigeria’s legislative system. These tours may cover the Senate and House of Representatives sitting areas and other facilities and get to look at pictures and other items illustrating the Nigeria’s struggle to democracy.

There are also other structures within the perimeter of the Three Arms Zone, which is a hub of other important government institutions such as the Presidents’ residence and the Nigerian Supreme Court. The closeness of these institutions underlines the closeness of Nigerian executive, legislative and judicial branches which are all in one way or the other involved in the governance of this nation.

The National Assembly’s Role in Nigerian Governance

As it can be deduced from the foregoing, the National Assembly has a paramount responsibility in determining the future of Nigeria. As the legislative arm of the government, it discharges its functions by enunciating laws that govern all sectors of life within the country’s economy and social life. The decisions that are made within the National Assembly chambers therefore are very consequential; the National Assembly is therefore a central institution in Nigeria’s democracy.

Over the course of the past few years, the National Assembly has assumed the role of enacting significant legislative changes which include: Electoral matters, the economy and Human rights. It is indispensable for the country’s management, and many other African nations can watch the example of the work of democracy.

Useful Info

  • Type of parliament : Bicameral Legislature
  • Houses : two (2) – The Senate, House of Representatives
  • Official Website :


The National Assembly building in Abuja is not just another building that belongs to the Nigerian government; it is a potency that articulates Nigeria’s ideals on democracy and good governance. Tourists are privileged to be able to watch the process of legislation in one of the largest and significant African countries at the National Assembly. If you are interested in history, politics or even Nigerian governance, then the National Assembly is the must see-needed landmark in the Abuja city centre.

By the time you are done exploring the National Assembly and it environs, you will understand how this institution contributes positively into the future and existence of Nigeria and the tremendous value of democracy in the quest to achieve a prosperous and stable nation.

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