
Veritas University Abuja stands as a testament to the commitment of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja to providing a holistic and quality tertiary education. Nestled in the serene outskirts of the city center in Bwari, one of the local government areas of Abuja, this academic institution is a beacon for both Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. With a dynamic community of staff and students inspired by Christian values, Veritas University strives to create an environment where hard work, integrity, discipline, and creativity flourish, all while upholding the principles of the Catholic faith.


The foundation of Veritas University Abuja was laid by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria during its March 2002 meeting in Abuja. Driven by a vision to establish a university that would uphold the noble traditions of the Catholic Church, the bishops sought to provide high-quality tertiary education. The university’s mission was to instill strong moral values, self-reliance, and entrepreneurial skills in its students, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the social and economic development of both graduates and Nigerian society as a whole. This mission was in response to Pope John Paul II’s call for Catholic universities to be instruments for the educational advancement of the people of God, as outlined in his Encyclical Letter, Ex Corde Ecclesiae No. 30.

In May 2007, Veritas University Abuja was granted a provisional license to operate by the National Universities Commission. The permanent site of the university was established in Bwari, an area council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Despite this, the university commenced the admission of students in October 2008, hosting classes at its take-off campus in Obehie Town, Abia State, Nigeria.

Mission and Values

Veritas University Abuja is dedicated to providing higher education and balanced training within an atmosphere of peace and inclusivity. The university’s commitment extends to academically qualified individuals from all walks of life, ensuring that no student is excluded based on their religious or social background. Guided by the principles of authentic human and cultural development modeled on the person of Christ, Veritas University advocates for truth and uprightness, particularly in support of marginalized communities. The institution actively promotes dialogue and collaboration in human relationships at all levels, fostering an environment that values diversity and mutual understanding.

Academic Offerings

Veritas University Abuja offers a diverse range of faculties, each designed to cater to the academic and professional needs of its students:

  1. Natural & Applied Sciences
  2. Engineering
  3. Management Sciences
  4. Social Sciences
  5. Humanities
  6. Education
  7. Law

In addition to these undergraduate programs, the university also houses a School of Postgraduate Studies, furthering its commitment to advanced research and academic excellence.


Veritas University Abuja stands as a beacon of academic excellence firmly rooted in Catholic values. Through its commitment to providing a well-rounded education, fostering inclusivity, and upholding the principles of the Catholic faith, the university contributes significantly to the advancement of Nigerian society. As it continues to grow and evolve, Veritas University remains dedicated to shaping the minds of future leaders who will carry forward the torch of knowledge and virtue.



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