Interview with Olusegun Daramola: A Journey into Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality


In this exclusive interview, we dive into the life and spiritual journey of Olusegun Daramola, a renowned Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Babaláwo. Born on September 4, 1989, in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Olusegun has dedicated his life to helping individuals discover their divine purpose through Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality.

Early Life and Education

Q: Olusegun, can you share a bit about your early life and educational background?

A: Certainly. I spent my early years surrounded by the richness of Yorùbá culture in Ilorin. My parents, Olatorera and Ayowole, played significant roles in shaping my inquisitive nature. I attended The Apostolic Church Nursery and Primary School, Railway Station, Ilorin, where my educational journey began. Later, I earned my Bachelor of Arts in English Language from the National Open University of Nigeria in 2016.

Early Career and Entrepreneurship

Q: Your journey into the professional world seems diverse. Can you tell us about your early career and entrepreneurial ventures?

A: Absolutely. In my early twenties, I started as a radio freelancer at Midland FM in Kwara State, Nigeria. Later, I ventured into online media as the social media manager for Microorganismos Efectivos Company, an international brand in Spain. Around 2015, my involvement with BlackNBold Magazine marked my entry into the fashion industry. In 2018, I founded Orisa TV, later rebranded as Adulawo TV, a platform dedicated to Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality. My journey also led me into radio and digital media, emphasizing the importance of cultural diversity.

Spiritual Journey and Teachings

Q: Your spiritual journey began at a young age. Could you share more about your exploration into Ifá and Òrìsà traditions?

A: Certainly. At 12, my interest in the ancient spirituality of my foreparents, especially Ifá and Òrìsà, took root. Inspired by my father, a powerful diviner, I delved into the study of various ancient spiritual systems globally. My spiritual awakening led me to become a Babaláwo and, in 2016, I embraced my role as a Spiritual Teacher, spreading the teachings of Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality globally.

Authorship and Podcast

Q: You’re recognized as an influential author. Tell us about your books and “The Light of Ifá Podcast.”

A: My writings, available globally, delve into the profound aspects of Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality and timeless wisdom. Beyond commercial intent, my focus is on enriching the literary landscape and to Enlightened humanity with Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality “The Light of Ifá Podcast” serves as a platform fostering understanding and discussions around Ifá & Òrìsà Spirituality, to address issues and solve numerous problems.

Personal Life and Influences

Q: How has your personal life influenced your spiritual journey?

A: Inquisitiveness, a love for nature, and meditation marked my early years. A growth spurt at 15 and spending time with elders influenced my perspectives. My parents, Olatorera and Ayowole, played pivotal roles in my upbringing.

Influence and Teachings

Q: You’re initiated into the conclaves of Ifá Spirituality and various Òrìsà. How do you integrate these teachings into your coaching and speaking endeavors?

A: My mission is to help individuals discover their divine purpose and unlock their Ori (higher self). I emphasize that individuals are the answers they seek. Coaching, teaching, and speaking allow me to share these transformative teachings and empower others on their spiritual journeys.


In this enlightening interview, Olusegun Daramola opens a window into his multifaceted life journey, from early experiences to spiritual awakening and his commitment to sharing Ifá & Òrìsà teachings with the world. The rich essence of his life unfolds, offering a glimpse into the profound realms of spirituality and cultural diversity.

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